This is the fifth and final installment in our series on rapidly improving our dexterity, strength, stamina, power, and musicality of our fingers to improve our guitar playing. So far we’ve gone over four easy, fast, and powerful exercises, and if…
Tag: free guitar lessons san francisco
Free Guitar Lessons San Francisco — Monday Exercise #4
The fourth “linear exercise” in our continuing series on rapidly improving our dexterity, strength, stamina, power, and musicality of our fingers to improve our guitar playing… Download the tablature for this exercise here: Guitar Finger Exercise #4 Tab This week’s pattern…
Free Guitar Lessons San Francisco — Monday Exercise #3
And now part three in our continuing series on rapidly improving our dexterity, strength, stamina, power, and musicality of our fingers to improve our guitar playing… Download the tablature for this exercise here: Guitar Finger Exercise #3 Tab By now, you’re…
Free Guitar Lessons San Francisco — Thursday Exercise #2: The Minor Pentatonic Scale, 2nd Position
(Continuing with where we started in the last Thursday Exercise, where we did the 1st position of the A minor pentatonic scale.) Here are the tabs for the 2nd position of the Am pentatonic scale: Am Pentatonic Guitar Scale, 2nd Position…
Free Guitar Lessons San Francisco — Wednesday Guitar Chords #2: “Blowin’ in the Wind” Riff
Today we’re going over our first song riff. This riff, adapted from Bob Dylan’s “Blowin’ in the Wind” will include the chords we went over last week: A major, D major, and E major. If you need to check them…
Free Guitar Lessons San Francisco — Tuesday Guitar Tip #2: Fretting Notes
Today’s tip is about one of the most fundamental skills to guitar: fretting notes. Fretting notes becomes easier and easier with time, but getting started on the right foot (or finger) will save you heaps of time and spare you…
Free Guitar Lessons San Francisco — Monday Exercise #2
Here’s part two in our continuing series on rapidly improving our dexterity, strength, stamina, power, and musicality of our fingers to improve our guitar playing. Download the tablature for this exercise here: Guitar Finger Exercise #2 Tab This exercise will…
Free Guitar Lessons San Francisco — Thursday Exercise #1: The Minor Pentatonic Scale, 1st Position
To start off this series of scale exercises, we’re going to pick a scale that is both easy to learn and incredibly versatile to use: the minor pentatonic scale. Pentatonic scales have 5 notes (major and minor scales have 7…
Free Guitar Lessons San Francisco — Thursday Guitar Scales Intro
Starting today, each Thursday I’ll be introducing a new, simple, and easy-to-follow guitar scale that you will be able to use in any key. These exercises will contain the most useful scales in positions that will allow you to play…
Free Guitar Lessons San Francisco — Wednesday Guitar Chords #1: A-D-E
To start off our day of guitar chords, here are three very commonly used open chords that are very often played together. A, D, and E are three chords you will see appearing together over and over again, especially in…