While looking for some helpful resources online, I found another example of something that really bugs me, yet keeps cropping up: Hacks. Not hackers; snake oil salesmen. It seems to be a law of the market that these people will…
The LXM – A Great First Guitar
The first guitar I ever played was an enormous musical brick that had been sitting behind our couch for untold ages. Awful sound, awful resonance, body like a wax-museum figure, strings like high tension wires… I probably could have heated…
Discomfort and the Secret of Guitar Mastery
Becoming a decent guitar player is surprisingly easy. You just have to play for many hours—whatever music you enjoy—and after a while you’ll turn some heads. You’ll probably enjoy playing on your own or for friends, and perhaps have some…
15 Ways to Write a Song (Part 3)
And now, the final installment of songwriting ideas. Click here for #1-5. Click here for #6-10. Here are #11-15: 11. Collaborate: I’d venture the majority of well-known songs have been written by more than one person. Collaborating is excellent because as…
15 Ways to Write a Song (Part 2)
Another exciting installment of songwriting ideas. Click here for #1-5. Here are #6-10: 6. Try a new instrument or tuning: Just as with playing a new style or genre, playing a new instrument forces you to change things up. I…
15 Ways to Write a Song (Part 1)
One of the top songwriting questions is: Where do you start? Do you begin with a feeling? With lyrics? With music? In reality, there are dozens of ways to write a song, and while many songwriters have one preferred method,…