(Continuing with where we started in the last Thursday Exercise, where we did the 1st position of the A minor pentatonic scale.) Here are the tabs for the 2nd position of the Am pentatonic scale: Am Pentatonic Guitar Scale, 2nd Position…
Category: Theory
Free Guitar Lessons San Francisco — Thursday Exercise #1: The Minor Pentatonic Scale, 1st Position
To start off this series of scale exercises, we’re going to pick a scale that is both easy to learn and incredibly versatile to use: the minor pentatonic scale. Pentatonic scales have 5 notes (major and minor scales have 7…
Free Guitar Lessons San Francisco — Thursday Guitar Scales Intro
Starting today, each Thursday I’ll be introducing a new, simple, and easy-to-follow guitar scale that you will be able to use in any key. These exercises will contain the most useful scales in positions that will allow you to play…